Puente's Pages

Tuesday, June 4, 1996

Magnifying Our Callings - The Nutshell

It is callings that I speak of today. Somon once said, "There are no small parts, just small actors." I have recently been given a calling. That of Elders Quorum instructor in my little branch here in Maine. I jumped at the opportunity! because one thing I've learned is to always accept a calling... especially if you don't have one at the moment. (I'm not advocating that we bog ourselves down with callings to the point of neglecting other responsibilities of course... But callings mean blessings.)

Well, I got my calling and I went home and looked over the lesson that I was going to teach when I realized, "Why have I been called to instruct a bunch of men who are all at least twice my age? What have I got to teach them... they should be teaching me!" Which reminded me of another saying, "We learn most by teaching others." As I read through the lesson, I was so thankful for the format that is used in our lesson manuals... that of directing the questions toward the members and not just toward the instructor. I realized that a lot of my teaching will be in the form of inquiry... Sure, I'll research the material and read the scriptures and pray about what I'm teaching that we can all take these lessons home with us... but that is only part of the lesson, the rest lies in hearing how these gentlemen have applied them in the past.

I spoke in my Ward in Pensacola on Fathers' Day 1994 about the role of the priesthood in the home and I took a copy of the Priesthood manual with me to the podium and held it up saying, "This is a regular how-to manual for husbands and fathers." As a single adult who hopes one day to be just that, I I think it's great that I have this interesting headstart. The combined lessons and experiences of worthy patriarchs in my quorum. So when I ask during a lesson, "How can we as Priesthood holders apply this in our homes and with our families?" even though my home and family is one room and one person, I become a little more prepared and a little more confidant that when the time does come for me to choose an eternal companion and start an eternal family, that I'll be ready to treat them with respect and give them the guidance and love that they deserve.

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